Mini Bumper Cars > A113
The Brass Ring Award for Second Best New Product received during the show for our Mini Bumper Car UFO rewards all your support and our constant work as a team!
Remote console allowing parents to drive their kids
Can control up to 8 bumpers
Mode can be changed by pushing a button
Easy parameter setting
Platform: ground installation or portable
Dimensions: Length 34 cm Width 44 cm Height 90 cm Weight 27 kg
Theming and customizing options available
You can choose colors, stickers, or a specific theme for your location. Complete freedom.
more info4.5 x 4.5 m (5 bumpers)
6 x 6 m (9 bumpers)
7.5 x 7.5 m (14 bumpers)
By carefully planning the spaces available, customers can exploit all of the potential that their area offers. Through 3D views, the track takes shape under the customer’s own eyes, allowing complete freedom of design.
Sela Group also designs and installs themed tracks; removable tracks for events or special periods of interest.
You can choose dimensions, shape, theme and special features fitting your park