Make your bumper car track shine like a spaceship!
With laser Hurricanes you can enhance your bumper car experience with more functions and fun.
Additional LEDs at the base of bumper car are an option even on standard Hurricanes and will make the attraction stand out at night.
We can help you designing and creating your track, with a special floor if you can’t use the existing surface so you can unleash your fantasy for the track border theming.
This is a recent stunning installation at a park in northern Italy where the bumper cars and track are totally customized.



Hurricane bumper cars can be used also on ice for a super fun experience.
Whether your ice rink is indoor or outdoor, we have what suits for you.
All the bumper cars need is a special ice tyre cover, for the rest you can just enjoy bumping your friends and spinning around the ice rink as you do on other surfaces if not more as ice is magic!


Looking for ideas for a new attraction? Let us give you a hint! Why not making a bumper car track on artificial ice and turn it into a discotheque ? Check out the stunning Hurricane disco bumper track made in partnership with an important artificial ice manufacturer at Gröna Lund Tivoli in Stockholm (Winter Wonderland). These Hurricanes have special anti-trace tires suitable for artificial ice and additional LED lights for an amazing effect at night.

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